Friday, January 30, 2009


What do you think of when you think of snow days? I think about relaxing, catching up reading, perhaps even a little homework, right? Being that I have a full time job along with an eighteen hour semester, I rather enjoy these days of cold, white solitude. I also feel like I have a realists perception when it comes to making up those gifts from nature, realizing that at the either at the end of the school year or somewhere along the way the slack must be regained. I adjourned to class this morning to realize that come Monday morning, I must be at school at 7:00AM to make up the "lost" time. How much shit is that? It is not like I am lazy by any means, I already have 3 out of my 6 days of school each week that begin at 7:00, but now I get to be reprimanded from sleep for no apparent reason at all. While they were delivering this electrifying enema, the entire room began to swelter in frustration and disgust. All that our teacher said was that it was no ones fault but Missouri, like that would soothe our rage? Bullshit...

Friday, January 23, 2009

hello bright eyes

The eyes tell you alot about a person. You may be surprised at what you can discover if you look deep enough.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

valentines day is valentines gay

I think this holiday loses something when your single, its almost like it totally sucks! So while everyone is out on the town having romantic dinners and fretting over getting their roses in water in time, I shall be at home feeling sorry for myself. Yep, thats right I am just that cool. So when you kiss your significant other goodnight give em' one from me. So have a great freakin time. I hope its expensive, not worth it, and your food is cold.

Sincerely single

Monday, January 19, 2009

scales of life

As I sit here enveloped in my peaceful surroundings, I allow my mind to wander, all the while the desire, a constant pulling of something that keeps telling me to record my thoughts during this time of reflection.
Libras, we are the only non-living sign amongst the stars. We stand alone balancing our shadowed pasts with the ever changing present. We are the ones who mediate between enemies, between strangers, between all. We are the peace keepers. Some call us the artists, as to say that we are the inspiration for all.
No sign is perfect, nor is everyone true to their sign. I believe if you are not true to your sign, then you are not true to yourself, and perhaps following a path that is not destined to be yours, if your sign can claim you, then you are on a path closer to that in which you are destined.
Everything is weighed with Librans, and is always an exact calculation. Even our spontaneity is conformed to our assessment of the outcome. Librans will approach a relationship with said caution and sincerity as well. Often times it may come across as judging to those who misperceive the Libra, but in truth we merely are checking and weighing the situation in order to keep our hearts away from the inevitable fire. Once Libras offer their love, they offer it in its entirety, without restrictions. Through inevitable miscalculations in our judgment, or errors on our part, Librans loose a piece of themselves every time there love is invalidated through a broken relationship. Many people claim to this, but none is true as it is to the Libra. It has been shown time and time again, Librans loose so much of themselves in the quest for love and companionship that they loose the ability to love all together, forcing them to continuously carry the void of a broken heart and the inability to regenerate.
To have loved so hard that you can love no more sounds harmonic, but it’s a crushing fate that lurks in our shadows.