Tuesday, March 3, 2009

More food for thought

Every individual is as old as their spine. If the spine is rigid so is the mind. If the mind is rigid so are the arteries. If the arteries are rigid so is the body, and you do not have life or health. The body is governed by the mind and the body, and the mind is governed by the soul or spirit. In order to maximize potential, the body must listen to the mind and the mind must be guided by the spirit. Inside us all is a wisdom, but our sensory input from the outside world tends to cloud that wisdom from the inner world, when all of a sudden the inner world/inner wisdom speaks and it guides you and directs you. It takes you to new quantum levels of thinking and action and you have healing. Don't ever walk away from tests or classes without saying thank you because everything you go through is just all a test to prepare you for being something great. Every class will serve you.
Question: "Why do I need to study the calculus?"
Answer: "The reason you study the calculus is not to measure the volume of a door, but to understand how to discipline your mind because you will need to do that to master what you're here to do on this planet. Everything serves to a wise person. They don't see any waste or mistake, they just see gifts. Your reflection is NOT in the present. What you see is manifest of yesterday's choices. Right NOW you are forming tomorrows reflection.

Billie sent me this,

Inspiration provided by Dr. Demartini: Inspirational speaker.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. I will use that next time somebody asks why they have to study English. It sounds better than, "Well, what other language do you want to use?"
